Would You Still Date Me If I Was a Worm?
December 13, 2024Q: Would You Still Date Me If I Was a Worm?
Amel Chopra (INTP)
kind of worm are we talking about here? Because it kind of depends. Are we
saying a regular earth worm? Or do you mean a computear worm? Or one of those
blood sucking parasites? And if so, what kind of parasite? Like a tape worm? Or
a flea? Because honestly, that could just be an easy fix with some medication.
Or were you thinking of this as a more symbolic worm that you could identify
with? In which case, I'd be down to explore that as well. However, I would like
to think that if you were a worm then we would still try to make things work. I
would be willing to look past your worminess and see what makes you, you.
Hiro Kaneda (ESFJ)
course I would! As much as it would be weird and awkward to think of you as a
worm, I wouldn't allow that to stop me from thinking of you as the most
wonderful person in the world. The important thing is that you and I make each
other happy. Even if I were to be reincarnated as a worm, you would be the
first person I would want to be with to help me wiggle and inch my way through
Jewel Kimberlite (ISFP)
I would not date you if you were a worm. But I would consider it if you were a
Julius Camden (ENFJ)
dear, I would date you whatever form you take. Your beauty is not physical but
spiritual. I value who you are, not your appearance. Even if you were a worm,
you would still be my heart's desire.
Kael Elliot (ESTP)
mean... that'd be a pretty weird dynamic but yeah sure, I'm open to it! I don't
really care what you look like as long as you got an adventurous spirit you'll
fit right in! Besides, if you were a worm you could fit everywhere I went and
it would be so easy to travel with you. Not to mention that you couldn't get
kidnapped. You know what? I like this idea.
Kamila Hadise (ESTJ)
you were a worm, you wouldn't be able to talk, so it wouldn't make much of a
difference in our relationship. So, I probably would. I like the cute and
helpless boys.
Lena Orlin (ENFP)
know what? If that worm had your personality and treated me well, then yes. Of
course, I'd probably have to bring a microscope to our dates. But I'd make it
Leo Maverick (ISTP)
I suppose I would be intrigued by our unique relationship and would be willing
to see where it goes. That being said, if being in a relationship with a worm
makes my friends or family question if I've gone insane, that might be a
different story.
Minki Jo (ISTJ)
mean, that kind of depends on whether you mean an actual worm, or a
metaphorical worm. An actual worm is an invertebrate animal and I'm not sure
what kind of relationship we'd be able to have with that kind of physiological
difference, so in that case, probably no. A metaphorical worm, on the other
hand, just refers to a person who stays at home all the time without ever going
outside, so if you were that kind of worm, then yes, I would still date you.
Misty Powell (INFP)
course! I don't care if you're a worm, a bird, a rat or even a giant pink pig
with a pirate eye patch and a peg leg! So long as you have a good heart and a
sense of humor, I'll date you ❤
Nicholas Calliope (INFJ)
course I would, dear! I love everything about you, inside and out, worm or
human. We're made for each other, and that's not going to change when you shed
your human skin and reveal your wormy self. It's going to be a beautiful
transformation. I can't wait to be the first face you see after you pop out of
your cocoon and flutter your majestic worm wings.
Raquel Dozier (ESFP)
course not, silly! I don't think our relationship would work out very well,
considering that worms don’t have arms or legs. I need someone who can hold my
hand and snuggle with me, not slither around in the dirt!
Ruel Deandra (ENTP)
worm? Are you kidding? Of course I would! That’s probably even better than a
human actually. Think about it, I could take you everywhere. I could carry you
in my pocket, slide you in-between pages of books. Or even smuggle you into
places you shouldn’t be. You’d be the perfect companion. Worm me up any day!
Ryana Suzumi (ISFJ)
hypothetically speaking, if you were a worm, you likely wouldn't have the same
mental or emotional capacity as you do as a human being. So, it's hard for me
to say if I would still date you as a worm because I can't really imagine what
that would be like.
Tobias Ronan (INTJ)
worm, huh? Well, let's see. You'd be small, slimy, and only have a lifespan of
five years. Yeah, I'd definitely still date you.
Vivia Xanthe (ENTJ)
As in a worm? Like a tiny squiggly guy? I'd crush you beneath my heel without a
second thought.